Glenn came to CP+R to better understand his overall health as he was aware his lifestyle was putting him at risk of clinical issues.
Our action plan
Thankfully, Glenn’s clinical assessment showed his health was reasonable, but we were keen to support him implement a more sustainable lifestyle for health going forward, to allow him to keep enjoying life to the full.
Glenn was familiar with exercise but had previously suffered injuries throughout his previous exercise endeavours. With this in mind, the plan was to show him how to exercise within his means and safely, but still achieving progressive overload and the health improvements he sought. Our comprehensive assessment process allowed us to tailor a plan precisely to Glenn’s needs and identify any injury risks through poor mobility or areas of weakness.
Glenn’s Results
Glenn committed well to his training with us and undertake a sustained period of resistance exercise without further musculoskeletal issues. This set good foundations for Glenn to pursue more intense exercise, should he wish, in the future and educate him on how to ensure he is exercising safely and optimally.